Friday, January 25, 2013

Busyness = Laziness

Raised in a country where busyness means you're getting things done it feels like a bold statement to say that "busyness equals laziness".  But that's what the Tibetans look at busyness as.... an easy out.

Think about it... it is easy to just fall into being busy all the time.  We smile when we say we're busy because it translates to ... "I'm living a very full life"  I'm so busy right now. But that is an exhausting way to LIVE.. is that what living is.. cramming stuff in, not breathing, and feeling so exhausted you crash or get sick?  I feel depleted just talking about being busy.

The WORK is to  S    L    O   W            D    O    W    N .     It take a lot of effort to sit still and pay attention to what your feeling inside.  Antsy and bored feelings arise... real emotions arise.. discomfort.  So then we FEEL it's then time to run away.. get busy.. distract oneself.  If I don't have to pay attention maybe it will all just go away.. the difficult stuff of life.

There is a great article written that outlines this concept well....  In-joy!


If you don't put meditation at the TOP of your "To Do" list it will ALWAYS fall directly to the bottom.
Can you carve out 10 minutes a day to sit, be still and FEEL?

Good luck and hey... stop being lazy.. stop with the busyness... just stop.. be still.

Gotta run now........